Patterson Law Firm

4th of July DUI? Your Options and What to Do Next

Unfortunately, police arrest many drivers on the Fourth of July or other major holidays for suspected driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If you were among them this most recent holiday, you probably have many questions and concerns for the future.

What should you do first?

If you were arrested in Oklahoma, you only have a short time to contest your driver’s license revocation. You need to immediately request an administrative hearing with the Department of Public Safety. Take a look at the paperwork you received from the police officer when you were pulled over or later from the DPS. This will tell you how long you have left to make the hearing request.

If you were arrested on the side of the road and waited in jail, you probably already attended an initial court appearance and talked to a judge. Make sure to put any upcoming court dates on your calendar so you are in the right place at the right time.

Do you need a lawyer?

Lawyers are extremely helpful for people charged with DUI. They develop defenses, preserve rights in court, and can get sentencing deals for their clients. For those unfamiliar with the legal system but pulled over unexpectedly on a holiday, working with a lawyer can lead to peace of mind and ability to move forward with life while the charges are pending.

Can you get the DUI charges reduced or dismissed?

There are no guarantees in life, and no guarantees in the law. While your lawyer or you might be able to make a deal with the district attorney or prosecutor, this is not a sure thing. To have the best chance of reduced or dismissed charges, you can work with a lawyer to develop the best defenses for the specific charges and circumstances of your case. In addition, Oklahoma has alcohol and drug diversion programs such as Drug Court and deferred sentencing that may work for you.

Again, your case could be very time sensitive, so do not delay in seeking legal representation. When you get a DUI on a major holiday such as the 4th of July, your future could depend on mounting an aggressive and thoughtful defense to the charges against you.

Interested in legal representation for your DUI charge? Clint Patterson, Esq., of Patterson Law Firm, a former Tulsa prosecutor now using his trial experience and expert-level knowledge of DUI science to defend drivers, assesses his clients’ best options for defenses and sentencing. To schedule a case evaluation, visit Patterson Law Firm online or call Clint’s office at (918) 550-9175.